Meditation is the single most effective way of dealing with stress...
The concept of meditation is simple...
It is simply the process of quieting the mind!
Although simple in theory...
Anyone who has practiced meditation has witnessed that it is not easy to quiet the mind...
A dedicated, quiet space is your beginning...
SUNDAY 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meditation is within the body of all yoga classes as Yoga without meditation is not yoga...
Sadhana is within us, Life without Sadhana is not a joyous life...
A Life of Joy is the path of Yoga.
Information regarding the history of the above Thangka images is available for your reading and meditation upon courtesy of Dr. Robert Thurman; Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University and a world renowned Buddhologist; as confirmed by Mr. Jeff Watt, Director
and Head Curator of Himalayan Art Resources and former founding Curator and leading scholar of the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City; and Sanje Elliot, a well-known thangka artist and author and Zach, owner of this Thangka and a long-time Studio Member / Supporter!